Show Directory
Directory Full Page Ad Standard
Advertise in our printed directory with a full page ad and get maximum exposure among thousands of buyers! This is a great way to highlight show specials and drive traffic to your booth.
*Image for example purposes only.
Full Page Ad Size:
Live area: 6.5 inches wide by 7.5 inches tall (critical copy area)
Trim area: 7 inches wide by 8 inches tall
Bleed area: 7.5 inches wide by 8.5 inches tall (additional .25 inch each side)"
Digital File Formats:
TIFF.IT and PDF files: Files should be set up portrait, right reading, 100% size. No rotations. Trim, bleed, and safety marks should be included in file (no marks in live area). PDF: Vendor prepared Acrobat PDF/X-a:2001 compliant file at least v.4.01, press optimized, 2400 dpi, composite. CMYK: All fonts must be embedded; if EPS file, all fonts must be converted to outlines. All graphics must be embedded.
NATIVE APPLICATIONS: InDesign CS6, Illustrator and Photoshop, Mac files preferred. Use Adobe Postscript fonts. Include all screen and printer fonts with document, including those embedded in accompanying images (such as logos). All linking art must be at least 300 dpi CMYK. No RGB or JPEG images.
EMERALD X, LLC. accepts no responsibility for errors occurred in processing native files or files submitted without appropriate proofs. Any file intervention required will result in charges to the advertiser