First Time Visiting The Show Planner?
Non-Registered Attendees:  Create an account.  Please note you will have limited access.
Registered Attendees:  Log in using your email/badge number below OR create an account so you can log in using the email/password combination next time you visit.  Either way is fine as you'll have the same amount of access!

Watch this short tutorial video to see how Show Planner works:

Create a new account.

Login For Registered & Non-Registered Attendees

Log in using the password you entered when you created an account for the Show Planner.  It is NOT the password you entered during your ASD Registration.

Login For Registered Attendees Only

Login using your email and badge number (located in your confirmation email, beneath the barcode).

Forgot your password?

No worries.  We can retrieve your password.